Ben-Naftali, O., Sfard, M. & Viterbo, H. (Forthcoming). The ABC of the OPT: A Legal Lexicon of the Israeli Control of The Palestinian Territory. Cambridge Univ. Press
Gabay, G., Moskowitz, H. R., Silcher, M. & Galanter, E. (2017). The New Novum Organum: Policy, Perceptions and Emotions in Health. Pardes Academic Publishing.
גדרון, ב., מוניקנדם-גבעון, י., אבו, ע. וקפלן, א. (התקבל לפרסום). הכלכלה החדשה בישראל. הוצאת רסלינג.
Wright. M. & Drori. I. (Forthcoming). Accelerators. Edgar Elgar Publishrers.
Myddleton, D., Parker, K. and Manos, R. (contract due). Managing Business Finance. Palgrave Macmillan.
ערב, ד. (2017). מתים לראות: מלחמה, זיכרון וטלוויזיה בישראל 1967-1991, תל-אביב, הוצאת רסלינג
Shapira, H. (2017). Gladiators Pirates and Games of Trust How Game Theory, Strategy and Probability Rule Our Lives. Watkins
Araya-Polo, M., Jennings, J., Adler, A. & Dahlke, T. (2018) .Deep Learning Tomography. The Leading Edge, Society of Exploration Geophysics, 37(1), 58 – 66.
Almor, T. (Accepted). International Investment Strategies Utilized by Born Global Companies: The role of Exogenous and Endogenous Uncertainty. International Studies of Management and Organization.
Shoham, A., Almor, T., Lee, S.M. & Ahammad, M. (2017). Encouraging environmental sustainability through gender: A micro-foundational approach using linguistic gender marking. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(9): 1356–1379.
באום, ע. (התקבל לפרסום). סקירת דין: אסור הלבנת הון – חידושים מקומיים וגלובליים. דין ודברים.
Bitton, Y. (2017). Strictly Relational Duties for Strictly Random Victims and the Need to Let Go When You Have Nothing to Hold on to—Discussion of John Gardner’s Book FROM PERSONAL LIFE TO PRIVATE LAW. Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies, , 15(1).
Benoni, H. (Forthcoming). Can Automaticity be Verified Utilizing a Perceptual Load Manipulation? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
Benatov, J., Nakash, O., Chen-Gal, S. & Kolmek-Brunstein, A. (2017). The Association Between Gender, Ethnicity and Suicidality Among Vocational Students in Israel. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. 21 (2), 123-135. Link
Tadmor, T., Berger, R., Brenick, A., Hisham, A. & Benatov, J. (In press). The Intergenerational Effect of Maternal Multicultural Experience on Children’s Tolerance: An Example From Palestinians and Jews in Israel. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Berger, R., Benatov, J., Cuadros, R., VanNattan, J. & Gelkopf, M. (In press). Enhancing Resiliency and Promoting Pro-Social Behavior among Tanzanian Elementary-School students: A school-based intervention. Journal of Transcultural Psychiatry.
Rom, E. & Benatov, J. (In press). Adult Attachment and Perceived Parental Style May Shape Leadership Behaviors". Leadership & Organization Development Journal.
בן-נפתלי, א. ולאור, ע. (התקבל לפרסום). הנדון: דין וחשבון לאקדמיה על נבוכותיו של החניך ק'. מעשי משפט, ט.
Mandelzis, L., Bernstein, A., & Ringel, S. (2017). Critical Reading of Talkbacks Discourse as Separatist Integration: On the Israeli 2004 Football Cup Victory. Israel Affairs, 23(5), 1-17.
Gabay, G., Moskowitz, R. H., Braun, M., and Onufrey, S. (Forthcoming). Perceptions and Attitudes towards Eating Behaviors and Body Image among Adolescent Females. SM journal of Food and Nutritional Disorders.
Gabay, G., Moskowitz, R. H., Onufrey, S. and Rappaport, S. (Forthcoming). Predictive Modelling and Mind-set Segments underlying Healthcare Plans. Applying Predictive Analytics within the Service Sector, IGI Global Academic Press, Pennsylvania.
Abbou, I., Gidron, B., Buber-Ben David, N., Greenberg, Y., Monnickendam-Givon, Y. & Navon, A. (2017). Social enterprise in Israel: The swinging pendulum between collectivism and individualism, Social Enterprise Journal, 13(4), 329-344.
Gidron, B. & Monnickendam-Givon, Y. (2017) A Social Welfare Perspective of Market-oriented Social Enterprises, International Journal of Social Welfare 26(2), 127-140.
Gidron, B. (2017). The Dual Hybridity of Social Enterprises for Marginalized Populations, Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 8(1), 1-13.
Pasternak, R., & Guy, A. (in press). The Effect of Parental Discipline Style and it's Dimensional Components: Demandingness, Enforcement, Punishing and Responsiveness on Social Skills and Motivation, British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioral Science, 6(2), 108-121
Gilbai, E. IFRS and Tax Law: Provisions for Contingent Liabilities in IFRS Accounting Practice and Tax Law (part 2), Journal of International Taxation.
Bamberger, P., Geller, D., & Doveh, E. (2017). Assisting Upon Entry: Helping Type and Approach as Moderators of How Role Conflict Affects Newcomer Resource Drain. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Gelernter, N. & Herzberg, A. (Accepted). Autocomplete Injection Attacks. European Symposium on Research in Computer Security. Springer International Publishing
Gafni, D. & Siniver, E. (Forthcoming). The Motherhood Penalty: Is it a Wage Dependent Family Decision. The B.E. Journal of Economics Analysis and Policy.
Gafni, D. & Siniver, E. (Forthcoming). Public Sector Versus Private Sector: Institutional and Market Discrimination in Employment. Journal of Economic Studies.
Drori, I., Manos, R., Santacrue-Vasut. E., Shenkar, O. and Shoham, A., (Forthcoming). An Institutional Arrangements and Language Approaches to Market Inclusivity for Women Entrepreneurship: The case of Microfinance. Journal of Business Venturing
Holzman-Gazit, Yifat. (Forthcoming). Compensation for Expropriation: The Israeli Reform of Quasi-Judicial Appraisers. In: Rethinking Expropriation Law (B. Hoops at al. eds.)
הולצמן גזית, י. (עתיד להתפרסם). העבר והעתיד של מקרקעי ישראל, 169. קתדרה.
Yahiaoui D.,Chebbi, H., & Weber, Y. (Forthcoming). HR Practices, Context, and Knowledge Transfer in M&A. International Journal of Human Resource Management.
Degbey, W., Kromah, M., Rodgers, P. & Weber, Y. (Forthcoming). The Impact of Psychological Ownership on Employee Retention in Mergers and Acquisitions. Human Resource Management Review.
Ziv, N. (in press). Reactions to ‘patriotic’ and ‘protest’ songs in individuals differing in political orientation. Psychology of Music.
Ziv, I., Lubin, O. & Asher, S. (Published Online: 28 Jul 2017). "I swear I will never betray you": Factors reported by spouses as helping them resist extramarital sex in relation to gender, marriage length and religiosity, Journal of Sex Research.
Resh, A., Kiperberg, M., Leon, R. & Zaidenberg, N.J. (Forthcoming). Preventing Execution of Unauthorized Native-Code Software. JDCTA, International Journal of Digital Contents Technology and its Applications.
Resh, A., Kiperberg, M., Leon, R. & Zaidenberg, N.J. (Forthcoming). System for Executing Encrypted Native Programs. JDCTA, International Journal of Digital Contents Technology and its Applications.
Eckwert, B. & Zilcha, I. (2017). Student Loans: Is Risk Sharing Desirable. International Journal of Economic Theory, 13, 217-231.
Sandberg, H. & Sandberg, H. (2017). Dilemmas of Civil Tribunals in Formulating their Positions towards Religious Tribunals –The Case of Custody of Muslim Children. Journal of Law, Religion and State, 5, 214-253.
זר גוטמן, ל. (2017). החינוך לאתיקה אינו בשמיים. משפט ועסקים, יט, 1319.
זר גוטמן, ל., כתבן, א. ושנור, ב. (עתיד להתפרסם). "פיצול אישיות": על הפרטי והמקצועי אצל עורכי דין. דין ודברים.
Zer-Gutman, L. (2017). The Effects of the Shortage of Judges in Israel. Onati Socio-Legal Series, 7(4).
Khalastchi, E., Kalech, M. & Rokach, L. (2017). A Hybrid Approach for Improving Unsupervised Fault Detection for Robotic Systems, Expert Systems with Applications.
Khalastchi, E. & Kalech, M. (2017). On Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Robotic Systems. Computing Surveys.
Khalastchi, E. & Kalech, M. (2017). A Sensor-Based Approach for Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Robotic Systems. Rokach Autonomous Robots.
Goroff, D., Polonetsky, J. & Tene. O. (2018) Privacy Protective Research: Facilitating Ethically Responsible Access to Administrative Data. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 675 (1).
Maldoff, G. & Tene, O. (2017). Putting Data Benefits in Context: A Response to Kift and Nissenbaum. I/S J. L. & Pol’y, 13(2).
Maldoff, G. & Tene, O. (forthcoming). Essential Equivalence and European Adequacy After Schrems: The Canadian Example. Wisc. Int’l L J.
בלכר־פריגת, א. וטריגר, צ. (עתיד להתפרסם). גירושים לכולם - המקרה של גירושים חד־מיניים כמקרה מבחן. משפט ועסקים.
טריגר, צ. (2017). כוחות הביטחון: ביטול הסכם גירושין שנכרת על-רקע התחזות בן הזוג בעקבות עמ"ש 13-12-40897 פלוני נ' פלונית. המשפט ברשת 62, עמ' 24-6.
טריגר, צ. (צפוי להתפרסם). מוֹתוֹ שֶׁל זֶה הוּא חַיָּיו שֶׁל זֶה: הולדה לאחר המוות, משפט, טכנולוגיה וערכים. תיאוריה וביקורת 49.
Lahav, E., Shavit, T. & Benzion U. (Forthcoming). Don’t Let Them Fool You: Adolescents’ Present-Orientation and Inferior Financial Understanding. YOUNG.
Finger, M, Gavious, I. & Manos, R. (2018). Environmental Risk Management and Financial Performance in the Banking Industry: A Cross-country Comparison, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money.
Drori, I., Manos, R., Santacrue-Vasut. E., Shenkar, O. and Shoham, A., (Forthcoming). An Institutional Arrangements and Language Approaches to Market Inclusivity for Women Entrepreneurship: The case of Microfinance. Journal of Business Venturing.
מרין, י. (2017). תיוג אתני והשלכותיו הראייתיות: היקף תחולתה הראוי של דוקטרינת הפסילה הפסיקתית. המשפט ברשת: זכויות אדם, מבזק הארת פסיקה מס' 64 בעמ' 5 .
נבות, ס. (צפוי להתפרסם). הדיאלוג החוקתי. משפטים על אתר.
נבות, ס. (צפוי להתפרסם) הנמקה חוקתית. המשפט.
Navot, S. & Kandelstien‐Haine, M. (2017). Judicial Enforcement of Ethical Norms in Politics: From the Dismissal of Cabinet Members to the Expulsion of Elected Mayors. European Public Law, 23(1), 15-26.
Siniver, E. & Yaniv, G. (Forthcoming). Losing a real-life lottery and dishonest behavior. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics.
Siniver, E. & Yaniv, G. (Forthcoming). Optimism, Pessimism, Mood Swings and Dishonest Behavior. Journal of Economic Psychology.
Yaniv, G., Siniver, E. & Tobol, Y. (2017). Do Higher Achievers Cheat Less? An Experiment of Self-Revealing Individual Cheatin. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 68, 91-96.
Sansani, S. (Forthcoming). Ethnicity and Risk: A Field Test of the White-Male Effect. Applied Economics Letters.
Sansani, S. & Rozental, A. (Forthcoming). Who Favours the Gay Community? Experimental Evidence using Charitable Donations. Bulletin of Economic Research.
Fogiel-Bijaoui, S. (Forthcoming). Mixed Families in Israel: A Rising Tide? (Guest Editor’s Introduction). Journal of Israel History. Mixed Families in Israel.
Fogiel-Bijaoui, S. (Forthcoming). Sleeping with the "Enemy": Mixed Marriage in the Israeli Media. Journal of Israel History. Mixed Families in Israel
Elkin-Koren, N. & Fischman-Afori, O. (2017). Rulifying Fair Use.Arizona Law Review, 59, 161.
Peled, R. (Forthcoming). Sunlight Where it's Needed: Freedom of Information in the Media. J of Intl Media and Entertainment Law.
פרלמן, ק. (צפוי להתפרסם). שפיטה בגישת פתרון בעיות והחלתה על בירור סכסוכים שמקורם בשירות הצבאי בישראל. המשפט.
קרקו־אייל, נ., גילבר, ר. ופלד־רז, מ. (התקבל לפרסום). חוק החולה הנוטה למות, התשס"ו-2005: החוק בראי הפרקטיקה הרפואית. עיוני משפט
Karako-Eyal, N. (2017). Increasing Vaccination Rates through Tort Law: Theoretical and Empirical Insights, UMKC L. Rev. 86(1).
Karako-Eyal, N. & Gilbar. R. (Forthcoming). Making Decisions on Artificial Ventilation at the End of Life: Does Law Affect Medical Practice?, The Elder Law Journal.
שאנן, ת. ומזרחי, ט. (2017). סיווג ישויות מסחריות זרות לצורכי מס בעקבות פרשת הראל (יונו סימול בע"מ). מיסים, לא/6.
Sherman, A & Shavit, T. (Forthcoming). The Thrill of Creative Effort at Work: An Empirical Study on Work, Creative Effort and Wellbeing. Journal of Happiness Studies.
Sonsino, D., Rosenboim, M & Shavit, T. (2017). The Valuation "by-Tranche" of Composite Investment Instruments. Theory and Decision, 82, 353-393.
Heart, T., Ben-Assuli, O. & Shabtai, I. (2017). A review of PHR, EMR and EHR integration: A more personalized healthcare and public health policy. Health Policy and Technology 6 (1), 20–25.
Shulman, S., Seiffge-Krenke, I., Scharf, M., Lev-Ari, L. & Levy G. (2017). Adolescent Depressive Symptoms and Break-up Distress during Early Emerging Adulthood: Associations with The Quality of Romantic Interactions. Emerging Adulthood.
Shulman, S. (2017). The Emerging Adulthood Years: Finding One’s Way in Career and Intimate Love Relationships. The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 70 (1).
Shulman, S., Seiffge-Krenke, I. & Walsh, S. D. (2017). Is Sexual Activity during Adolescence Good for Future Romantic Relationships? Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46(9).
Michaeli, Y., Dickson, D. J. & Shulman, S. (accepted). Personality, Support Systems and Coordinating Work and Family among Emerging Adults: The Mediating Role of Career Commitment. Journal of Career Development.
Norona, J., Tregubenko, V., Betzlel-Boiangiu, S., Scharf, M., Welsh, D., & Shulman, S. (accepted). Changes in Rejection Sensitivity across Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: Associations with Relationship Involvement, Quality, and Coping. Journal of Adolescence.
Shulman, S. & Scharf, M. (invited and accepted paper). Does Adolescent Psychopathology Change? Increasing risks or increasing chances? Journal of Adolescence.
ביטון, י. (2017). המאבק - פמיניסטי, האמצעי - קפיטליסטי: הידורו יחדיו? בתוך: (בעריכת: ר. ברייר-גארב, ד. אולמרט, א. קזין וי. תירוש) קפיטליזם ומגדר : סוגיות פמיניסטיות בתרבות השוק, מכון ון ליר בירושלים הקיבוץ המאוחד.
Ben-Bassat, A. & Strum, D. (2017) .Economy, Society and Governance, in Arad, strum and Tadmor, Grand Strategy for the State of Israel – Reflections and Directions, Neaman Institute, Israel, 2017, pp. 249-388.
בן-נפתלי, א. ורזניק, ר. (2017). מטבח אל-יהוד. בתוך: (א. גרוס וי. תירוש, עורכים) לחם חוק: עיונים במשפט ואוכל. אוניברסיטת תל-אביב.
גבאי, ג. (התקבל לפרסום). אמון מטפל-מטופל: דילמות, פערי ציפיות ותקשורת מאחורי הפרגוד. בתוך: בין המטפל למטופל. בעריכת שפרן-תקווה ס., וויס, י. ושמר, י. בהוצאת מאגנס.
Gabay, G. and Moskowitz, H. R. Kochman, M. Mind -Genomics and Health Promotion. In: Prince, M., & Priporas, C. V. (Forthcoming). Market Sensing Today. Business Expert Press. Business Expert Academic Press. Ch. 7.
הולצמן גזית, י. ובוגוש, ר. (עתיד להתפרסם). סיקור מינוי שופטים בעיתונות בעשור האחרון. ספר לכבוד פרישתה של השופטת עדנה ארבל )עורכים הדר דנציג ואריאל בנדור).
Zer-Gutman, L. (2017). Israel: Regulation of Lawyers and the Legal Services in Israel. In: A. Boon (ed), International Perspectives on the Regulation of Lawyers and Legal Services. Hart Publishing, 139-159.
טריגר, צ. (2017). על החתום: נשים, חתימה והשוק. בתוך: (בעריכת: ר. ברייר-גארב, ד. אולמרט, א. קזין וי. תירוש) קפיטליזם ומגדר : סוגיות פמיניסטיות בתרבות השוק, מכון ון ליר בירושלים הקיבוץ המאוחד.
טריגר, צ. (התקבל לפרסום). לגיטימציה גלויה וסמויה להטרדות מיניות באקדמיה: משפט ותרבות. פרק לספר על הטרדה מינית בעריכת פרופ' רחל ארהרדט.
לוין, ד. (בדפוס) הצחוק המרעיד את חיינו: על מקומו של ההומור הטלוויזיוני בשיח הפוליטי. בתוך א. סובר (ע') ספר הצחוק. כרמל
Levin, D. (forthcoming). Political Opponents as Unruly Women: Gender Representations of Body, Voice and Space in Israeli Televised Satire. In: M. Talmon (ed.) As Seen on Israeli TV: National Television Between the Local and the Global. Texes: The University of Texas Press.
Navot, S. (Forthcoming). A state of emergency as a state of mind. (a chapter on the book Crisis Legislation to be published by Hart Publishing)
Navot, S. (Forthcoming). The Constitutional Law in Israel. ( a chapter the book The Law of Israel, to be published in two editions, one in English (probably by Hart Publishing) and one in German (by C.H. Beck publishing house).
S. Navot. (Forthcoming) Constitutional Reasoning in the Israeli Supreme Court, Comparative Constitutional Reasoning. A. Jakab, A. Dyevre & G. Itzcovich (eds.), Cambridge University Press.
S. Navot. (2017). The migration of proportionality: from human rights to the principle of equality in electoral rights‐ the case of Israel (Leck Garlicki Jubilee Book) (Wydawnictwo.
ערב, ד. (התקבל לפרסום). 'כל שיר הוא זיכרון בלתי נמנע': טראומה ונוסטלגיה בשירי הנושא של דרמות טלוויזיה ישראליות, בתוך: חרל"פ, א', לביא –פלינט, א ומונק, י (עורכים): סיפורים מהקופסא (דרמה ישראלית בטלוויזיה). תל-אביב: עם עובד.
Herbst, A. & Fogiel-Bijaoui, S. (Forthcoming). Maternalist Politics and the Origins of the Welfare State in the Jewish community of Palestine, 1912-1948 (provisory title). In: Gal, J. & Holer R. (eds.). The Ben-Gurion Institute, Ben -Gurion University (Hebrew).
Aaron, K. & Fogiel-Bijaoui, S. (Forthcoming). Home, Sweet Home: Israeli Emergent Adults Living in Their Parents’ Home (provisional title). In: Boni-Noah, H. & Nathan S. (eds.). Young Adults in Israel, (Hebrew).
Fogiel-Bijaoui, S. (2017). Transmitting the Nation: Family Individualization and Religion in Israel. In: Nizard, S., Gross, M. & Scioldo-Zürcher, Y. (eds.): Gender, Families and Transmission in Contemporary Jewish Context, (pp-90-101), Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Fogiel-Bijaoui, S. & Sharaby, R. (2017). Introduction: Reconstructing the private and the public spheres. In: Fogiel-Bijaoui, S. & Sharaby, R. (eds.). Dynamics of Gender Borders: Women in Israel’s Cooperative Settlements. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Fogiel-Bijaoui, S. (2017). The Politics of Co-optation: The Kibbutz ‘Gender Equality Departments,’ 1982–201. In: Fogiel-Bijaoui, S. & Sharaby, R. (eds.). Dynamics of Gender Borders: Women in Israel’s Cooperative Settlements. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Friedman-Peleg, Keren (Forthcoming). Trauma and Resilinece in Contemporary Israel: Prolonged insecurity impact on society. in: Cohen, S. & Aharon, K. (Eds.) Routledge Handbook on Israeli Security. London: Routledge.
Perlman K. (Accepted) Settlement Judging and Judicial Responsiveness : Choosing between a Wide and Narrow Model. In: Sourdin T., Zariski A. (eds) The Responsive Judge. Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice.
Israel-Cohen, Y. & Kaplan. O. (forthcoming). Prospects and Challenges of Disruptive Innovation in the Management and Social Science Academic Curriculum: A Case Study Approach. In D. Kariv & H. Maltay, (Eds.) From Intention to Start-up Performance: The Role and Impact of Entrepreneurship Education. Camberley, UK: Edward Elgar Publishers.
Kaplan, A. & Kaplan, O. (accepted). Family Business in Israel. In: Kaplan, Alon, Trusts in Israel: Development and current practice.
Karako-Eyal, N. & Gilbar. R. (2018). The End-of-Life Decision-Making Process in Israel: Bioethics, Law, and the Practice of Doctors. In: Boaz H., Hashiloni-Dolev Y., Davidovitch N., Filc D., Lavi S. (eds), Bioethics and Biopolitics in Israel. Cambridge University Press.
Shnider, A. (2017). Back to the Old Village?: Pre-Modern Gender Values in the Post-Privatization Moshav. In: Fogiel-Bijaoui, S. & Sharaby, R. (eds.). Dynamics of Gender Borders: Women in Israel’s Cooperative Settlements. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Tarba, S.Y. and Almor, T. (Forthcoming, eds.). Special issue on International New Ventures. International Studies of Management & Organization.
Fogiel-Bijaoui, S. (Forthcoming, Guest Editor). The Journal of Israeli History. Special Issue: A Rising Tide? Mixed Families in Israel.
Fogiel-Bijaoui, S. & Sharaby, R. (eds. 2017). Dynamics of Gender Borders: Women in Israel’s Cooperative Settlements. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
לביא, ע., פוגל-ביז'אוי, ס. ובנימין, א. (צפוי להתפרסם, עורכות). אמהוּת עכשווית בישראל: פרספקטיבות ביקורתיות בהקשר מוסדי משתנה. גליון מיוחד: בטחון סוציאלי.
Strategic Alliances, Joint Ventures, and Mergers and Acquisitions In The Global Context: The Role of Human Resource Management. Journal of World Business. Guest Editor
Research and Development Management, Special Issue :Innovation Management in Collaborative Partnerships. Journal Guest Editor
International Studies of Management and Organizations, Special Issue: The Human Factor in Organizations. Journal Guest Editor
Annals of Business Research. Publisher: Perspectives, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. Books Series Editor
Cross-disciplinary Management Perspectives: Applications, challenges and opportunities. Publisher: Emerald Publishing. Books Series Editor
Palgrave Studies of Cross Disciplinary Business in association with EuroMed Academy of Business. Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan, Springer International Publishing. Books Series Editor
Vrontis, D., Weber, Y. and Tsoukatos, E. (2017, Eds. ) Global and national business theories and practice: bridging the past with the future, Book of Procedings, 10th Annual Conference of the EMAB.
Weber, Y. and Tarba, Y.S. (2017, Eds.) Mergers and Acquisitions, Entrep reneurship and Innovation, Emerald Group Publishing, Boingley, United Kingdom
Weber, Y., Vrontis, D., Tsoukatos, E., Shams, R. and Fogiel-Bijaoui, S. (Eds. Forthcoming) The Cross-disciplinary perspectives of Management Ambidexterity: Challenges and Opportunities, Emerald Publisher
Vrontis, D., Weber, Y., Thrassow, A., Shams, R., Tsoukatos, E. (Eds. Forthcoming), Innovation and Capacity Building -Cross-Disciplinary Management Theories for Practical Applications. Palgrave MacMillan.
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